Special Online Classes

Presentation Class

The Class

  • The class is using a syllabus specially designed by the presentation class team of mentors. These classes are designed to teach the students the skills and techniques necessary to command an audience’s attention, entertain and inform them, and present themselves as highly likable speakers.

How is it different from the regular online class?

– It focuses on the preparations for public speaking.
– The grade is based on presentation performance (SGC presentation). Basically, output based.
– The class report is given on the assigned telegram chat room with parents.
– Presentation class teachers do not cover vocabulary enrichment and grammar lessons.

Class Platforms:

– Skype - for the classes
– Zoom - for the presentation/SGC day

Super Group Class (SGC)/Presentation Day

– Done only on Saturdays. Usually, on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month.
– Done by batches, as assigned, with one mentor each.

The Student

– Should, at least, have the High Beginner level as per ST standard
– Recommended by regular online class teacher.

Admissions Process:

– Step 1. Admission Interview/Level Test
– Step 2. Submit recording of presentation (Material to be provided based on the level test result)
– Step 3. Scheduling
– Step 4. Regular Presentation Classes

Class Duration:

– 3x a week, 90 mins
– 3x a week, 60 mins
– 2x a week, 90 mins
– 2x a week, 60 mins

Class Report

Date: 01/04/2021
Student: Student A

Lesson: Public Speaking Overview | Level Test

  - Student A participated well in class. He responded to the questions and did the speaking activities willingly.
  - During the role-playing activity (done as a level test), he was able to employ a fairly good pitch for his lines.
  - He was very open to corrections and received them very well.

Areas for improvement: 
  - During the vocal exercise, he had a hard time doing tongue trills (=a movement of the tongue that sounds like one is continuously rolling an “r” consonant). We will work more on this drill in the next classes.
  - During the reading activities, he had difficulty pronouncing some words that were mostly new to him.
  - We will need to work more on his pauses and speech rate as he has the tendency to read his lines with less variety and understanding.

Overall comment:
Today is our first day of class and Student A was active enough and willingly took on the exercises provided for him. He was able to share some personal things during the 2-truths-and-1-lie activity. He also did the vocal exercises, although shyly. He had a hard time doing the tongue trills but he tried well enough. He also listened to and showed understanding of the quick overview on public speaking and the importance of voice, body language, content, language, visuals, etc. He read his lines willingly, although vocal dynamics are yet to be applied. He was very open to corrections and received them very well. Overall, Student A was respectful and displayed active participation the entire time.

Additional Note (for parents):
  - Kindly test Student A's headset. It seems to be producing muffled headset audio. If possible, have him use another headset or earphones with better audio output. 

Monthly Progress Report

Mothly Progress Report

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Congratulatory Video

Level 1 Big Winner (Rose Kwak)

Level 2 Big Winner (Richard Kim)